Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Paris, a Most Beautiful City

Paris is a city full of beauty, whether it is in its architecture, its museums, or its natural surroundings. You will also find many beautiful hotels in Paris that will make you feel as fabulous as the city itself.

The first thing most people think of when they think of Paris is the Eiffel Tower. Built for the 1889 World's Fair, it has attracted visitors for over one hundred years and is one of the most beautiful and recognized landmarks in the world. But there are other amazing architectural landmarks to see in Paris. For example, the Arc de Triomphe is a magnificent monument built for Napoleon in 1809, and the Cathedral of Notre Dame is a breathtaking example of medieval architecture complete with 'flying buttresses'. There are many other examples of beautiful architecture in the city, of course, including the Alexander Nezsky Cathedral, built in 1861 showing off onion domes and icons and the Basilique St. Denis, considered the first example of Gothic architecture, built in the 1130s.

Paris Musuem

Paris is home to one of the most famous museums in the world, the Louvre. The Louvre is also the world's largest museum, a multi-level, three-winged, always growing and changing building, showcasing 35,000 works of art and artifacts from all over the world and from every era. The most famous work of art to call this home is da Vinci's Mona Lisa. Other museums include the Jacquemart Andre, a beautiful 19th century mansion complete with a long, terraced staircase and pair of stone lions to welcome you in and housing a wonderful collection of paintings that includes Rembrandts and Italian masters; the Museum of textiles and Decorative Arts which hosts beautiful examples of French furniture, carpets and tableware; and the Guimet Museum of Asian Arts, a fantastic collection of sculpture and other art from all parts of Asia.

Paris, a Most Beautiful City

For beautiful natural surroundings, Paris is hard to beat. The River Seine runs through the middle of the city, allowing visitors to float down the river while taking in the view of Paris, a wonderful experience, especially at night when the city is lit up from every angle. Many parks are found in the city, including Bois de Boulogne, the largest park in Paris. Covering 865 acres, the park was once a royal hunting ground and is now famous for its roses, daffodils and lilies, as well as waterfalls, a boating lake and an orangery that hosts summer concerts.

Hotels in Paris abound, from the historical such as the Aviatic, Jeu de Paume or George IV, to the more modern Amour, all as beautiful and special as the city itself.

Paris, a Most Beautiful City Designing the Louvre - The Louvre (3/6) Video Clips. Duration : 3.02 Mins.

Free learning from The Open University www.open.ac.uk --- The designer of the Louvre Pyramid, IM Pei, talking about the design brief. (Part 3 of 6) Playlist link www.youtube.com --- Study 'Art and its histories' with the OU www3.open.ac.uk Explore qualifications in Arts and Humanities with the OU www3.open.ac.uk ---

Keywords: IMPei, Louvre, museums, art collection, architectural design, architecture, pyramid, open university, ou_a216

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