Monday, May 20, 2013

History of the Crystal Skulls - Part II (Discovery of Crystal Skulls in 19th Century)

Originally I was going to make this article just two parts but it would take many pages to discuss the major crystal skulls that have emerged since the 1800's. So we will only mention the main crystalline skulls or heads which either are documented to be discovered or that there are rumors of ones which surfaced sometime in the 19th century. This means we will be writing a Part III for this article series in the near future. Below find a description of the following crystal skulls that are known of today:

a) The Paris Crystal Skull (found in the 1860's) - a small single piece clear quartz skull with primitive features and a hole cut from top to bottom that was probably discovered in a tomb in Mexico by grave robbers. Eventually the skull is purchase from a French antiquities dealer and donated to the Trocadero Museum in Paris in 1878. The crystal skull is moved after 2000 into the Musee du Quai Branly near the Eiffel Tower. It is said that this could be an Aztec skull that was used in a death ceremony with it was placed on a pole and this is why the hole exists.

Paris Musuem

b) The British Museum Crystal Skull (found in the 1860's) - human size, a single piece of clear quartz probably also found in a tomb in Mexico which eventually found itself in the hands of a soldier of fortune who eventually sold it to the same antiquities dealer as the Paris Skull. It is recorded a gentlemen living in New York City eventually buys the skull (it had been offered to various world museums who thought it was a fake) who then sells this crystalline skull to Tiffany's, a New York Jeweler. In 1897 Tiffany sells the skull to the British Museum in London who has it on display in the early part of 1898. Initially this skull was on display at the Museum of Man, a sister museum to the larger British Museum but in 2004, the British Museum Crystal Skull moves it to the main museum on Russell Street where it has been on public exhibition ever since. When the Indiana Jones film came out in 2008, the museum did some type of tests upon the skull, as the Musee du Quai Branly did with their skull, and both museums claimed their respective crystallinr skulls were fakes or made by modern carvers in the 19th century.

History of the Crystal Skulls - Part II (Discovery of Crystal Skulls in 19th Century)

c) National Museum in Mexico City (on display in the 1860's or 1870"s) is a collection of small crystal skulls that were purchased from individuals that had them in their possession. Mexico is known as a country where many of the crystalline skulls are hidden in the ground. As we move to Part III of this article series, you will learn more about this.

d) Reliquary Cross Crystal Skull (received from a Church in the 1860's in Mexico) - this is a small clear quartz skull with a hole cut from top to bottom to hold a cross that is dated 1571 which is made from quartz with gold embedded into it that is held by the Redo family. At a crystal skull conference in Mexico City in 2009, we met Mrs. Redo who has been the guardian of this skull for many years. At that time she informed us that her skull was in secured storage in England and was going to be offered for sale. Not sure if this crystalline skull has been sold to a new owner however.

e) President Porfirio Diaz of Mexico, various crystal skulls (from 1876 - 1911) - it is claimed on his desk that he had several skulls of which people who were contemporaries of his time wrote about seeing these skulls in his office but, we do not have a way to verify this statement. Further it is speculated that some of the crystalline skulls that we know of today may have been part of this set. This would include a large 30+ lb. hollow skull that was delivered to the doorstep of the Smithsonian Institute in 1992. There was a note left with the skull by an anonymous donor that suggested President Diaz had this crystal skull. Also there was discussion of an amethyst crystal skull that President Diaz had which could be another skull we have seen photos of that were sent to us by a private owner that lives in California. This amethyst skull appears to be of a simple design and has a dark purple color. Again neither of these crystal skulls can be confirmed but there are stories which are being told.

What we can state however is that in the 1800's, the large museums of the time became very interested to share antiquities from ancient civilizations and since the crystal skulls were all discovered to this point in Mexico, it was thought they were of Aztec or Mayan origins. But there was not a lot of interest to do a thorough investigation upon the skulls as they were just a part of the artifacts left by these cultures. The more serious research with the crystalline skulls does not happen until the 20th century when the most well-known Crystal Skull was discovered linked to an ancient ruin in Belize in the 1920's. But we will have to save the reporting of the next series of crystalline skulls that emerged publicly in the next century for the third part of this article series.

We can say though that the British Museum, Museum in Paris and the small crystal skulls in the National Museum of Mexico are still on display and still draw people very interested to see the real objects in person.

We hope you enjoyed this second part of the series about the History linked to the crystal skulls. As we move closer to the 21st century, more and more skulls begin to appear publicly. It is possible that many of the crystal skulls we know of today could have been either held in private hands of people who never spoke about them or we also believe that various indigenous cultures in all three Americas may have been guarding the skulls in secret to protect them as they considered the crystal skulls to be sacred objects and important for the future of humanity.

Thank you, in peace and light,

To the adventures and journeys ahead

Joshua Shapiro

a crystal skull explorer

History of the Crystal Skulls - Part II (Discovery of Crystal Skulls in 19th Century)

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