Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Most Terrible Museum In The World

After several months of reconstruction the Catacombs of Paris are opened again. From the 29th of February tourists can visit one of the most terrible sights of the city. A pile of bones, covering the area of 11 000 square meters, consists of more than 6 million human bodies. However, a part not much longer than 1.5 kilometers is opened for tourists. About 160 thousand people visit the Catacombs of Paris annually. This scary labyrinth is situated in the very center of the capital of France. The entrance to the underground is called "Gates of the Hell", but the narrow winding stairs lead deep in the ground. 90 footsteps cut off in the stone lead to the tunnels. Paris was built of this kind of stone too.

In the XIII century the city began to develop quickly and new materials were needed for the building of houses, palaces and churches. This is why the quarries, which cut off a part of the city, appeared. Because of the population upsurge in Paris in the middle of the century the need in graves increased too. During very cold winters and epidemics, lack of places on cemeteries was especially problematic. In order to find an unoccupied place for burring new dead bodies, the remains of the deceased initially were put in special "skeleton houses". A terrible smell from there was spreading over the city until the day when Louis XVI ordered to bring all the remains to the undergrounds of Paris and to write on their door, leading to the tunnels, the inscription "Stop! It is a Kingdom of the Deceased".

Paris Musuem

When in Paris in XVIII old cemeteries were liquidated, it was decided to bring all the remains from there to the catacombs which during the ancient times were dug in the district of Montparnass. During the XVIII-XIX centuries the remains from the closed cemeteries were brought to the underground. The galleries in the catacombs were intentionally appointed for a big amount of skeletons, some of which even made formations of skulls. A part of the underground cemetery was equipped for excursions and has become the most terrible museum in the world. The catacombs are opened for visitors from Tuesday till Sunday, from 9:30 till 17:00. A ticket for adults costs 5 euro.

The Most Terrible Museum In The World

There are also other unusual museums in the world that have funny, horrible or unusual expositions.

The Most Terrible Museum In The World Berlin: Die Museumsinsel ist eine wahre Schatzinsel und der größte Museumskomplex der Welt Tube. Duration : 4.83 Mins.

Berlin: Die Museumsinsel ist eine wahre Schatzinsel. The largest museum complex in the world! Museum Island. Die Museumsinsel in Berlin ist eine wahre Schatzinsel und der größte Museumskomplex der Welt. Sie liegt in der Spree in der Mitte der Stadt. Die Museumsinsel in Berlin ist der größte zusammenhängende Museumskomplex der Welt und vom Stellenwert vergleichbar mit dem Louvre in Paris und dem britischen Museum in London. In ihren Räumen verbergen sich unschätzbare Kunstwerte. Zu dem Komplex gehören das Bodemuseum, das Pergamon-Museum, das Neue Museum, das Alte Museum, die alte Nationalgalerie und der Berliner Dom. Wo früher der Palast der Republik stand ist ein weiteres Gebäude geplant -- das Humboldt-Forum -- ein Nachbau des Berliner Stadtschlosses, das unter anderem einen Großteil der bisher an anderen Standorten ausgelagerten Schätze aufnehmen soll. In direkter Nachbarschaft liegt das Deutsche Historisches Museum. Das Deutsche Historisches Museum, das im ehemaligen Zeughaus seinen Sitz hat, dient der "Aufklärung und Verständigung über die gemeinsame Geschichte von Deutschen und Europäern". Im Bode-Museum sind die Skulpturensammlung, die Sammlung für Byzantinische Kunst, das Münzkabinett und rund 150 Bilder der Gemäldegalerie ausgestellt. Das Pergamon-Museum beherbergt drei Sammlungen: die Antiksammlung, das Museum für Islamische Kunst und das Vorderasiatische Museum. Hauptanziehungspunkt ist der Pergamonaltar. Das Neue Museum wurde im zweiten Weltkrieg schwer ...


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